North West Leicestershire Community Lottery

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The new local community lottery for North-West Leicestershire.

Please support the Sir John Moore Foundation by selecting us as your good cause.

Buy your tickets here

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North West Leicestershire Community Lottery

 NWL lotteryQR code to take to lottery page

The new local community lottery for North-West Leicestershire.

Support the Sir John Moore Foundation by selecting us as your good cause.

Buy your tickets here

National Lottery Heritage Fund Grant

 Heritage Fund logo teal

Using money raised by National Lottery players, The National Lottery Heritage Fund supports projects that connect people and communities with the UK’s heritage. Renovate, Refresh, and Reimagine project - phase 1 is made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players, we have been able to commission various reports including a Conservation Report and an updated Condition Report.

About the Heritage Fund

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Local History Cafe

Come and join us for local heritage talks, tea/coffee and cake in the Gallery Room. Every 3rd Tuesday 10am-12pm. (£3 cost towards refreshments)

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Music Night in the Cellar Bar

Regular 4th Thursday, Plug 'n' Play Music in the Cellar

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Local History Cafe

Come and join us for local heritage talks, tea/coffee and cake in the Gallery Room. Every 3rd Tuesday 10am-12pm. (£3 cost towards refreshments)

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Music Night in the Cellar Bar

Regular 4th Thursday, Plug 'n' Play Music in the Cellar

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